Three Rivers Community Players
15526 Millard Road, Three Rivers, MI 49093
Would you love to be on stage?
Are you good with a hammer and saw?
Can you draw? Paint?
Would you like to work backstage?
Interested in learning lights & sound?
If any of these apply to you, we would love to have you as a member
of Three Rivers Community Players!
Membership is easy. You must be at least 16 yrs. old. Basic Membership is only $20 per 12 months, Members are added to our mailing list, are eligible to be nominated for board positions, and can vote in board elections as well as on the slate of shows produced annually.
Additional participation fees may apply if you are cast in a production.
With your membership, you will have the satisfaction of knowing
you are helping to promote and preserve local community theatre in our area.
Membership Levels & Perks
$250 & up
* ** 4 V
$100 - $249
* ** 2 DT
$50 - $99
* ** 1 DT
Scene Stealer
$30 - $49
* **
$21 - $29
* **
* Members of TRCP can
- Vote for show selection
- Participate in plays after successful audition (additional
per show participation fees may apply)
- Eligible for Board Candidate
** - Listed in Playbill for 12 months
4 V - 4 Seat Vouchers to use in any regular show during the season
2 DT - 2 Discounted tickets per regular show @ $12 / ticket
1 DT - 1 Discounted ticket per regular show @ $12 / ticket
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